Project Kick-Off Event – Milan

Fostering University-Industry collaborations through IP-EXPERIENCE 


Date: Tuesday 11 February 2020

Time: 9.30 am – 1.00 pm

Location: Politecnico di Milano, Campus Bovisa, Street Candiani 72, Room Castiglioni, Milan, Italy.

Type of event: seminar, free-of-charge participation, registration required on EventBrite


Gaining EXPERIENCE in IP Rights makes the difference for your future!

IP-EXPERIENCE is the new awareness-raising project to promote the value of Intellectual Property towards especially university students, but also to young researchers, entrepreneurs and start-uppers in the context of Universities and High-Schools.

The opening event will present the Project, the objectives and its activities to be run in Milan and Barcelona in Spring 2020.  The project is co-financed by the European Intellectual Property Office – EUIPO, GR/001/19, Lot 2: Reaching consumers/citizens and especially young people.

Besides, the event will be an opportunity to explore how Intellectual Property concerns the collaborations between University and Industry, highlighting, in particular, the new models of knowledge ‘co-creation’, in which also youngsters (students or potential entrepreneurs) are directly involved.

Gianluca Dettori, an expert on high-tech and digital innovation in Italy, will share his experience on young entrepreneurs and his perspective on the importance of IP for startuppers.

Following the path opened with previous projects, the IP-Experience training program will run from April to June 2020 and will propose to participants interactive workshops to simulate how to protect a new concept through IP Rights and which actions and effort are needed to ensure the legal protection of new intellectual creations. See all the planned events!

The project opening event targets university students, but also Ph.D. students, researchers, young entrepreneurs, start-uppers and enterprises involved in the use of the IP rights to strengthen technological development through collaborative approaches.

The event will be held in Italian.

The event is free of charge, but registration is needed.



9.30am Registration & Welcome coffee
10.00 Welcome and Introductions
Diego Scaglione, Head of Corporate Relations Research, Innovation and Corporate Relations Division – Politecnico di Milano
10.10 Grounds and general objectives (pdf)
Filippo Silipigni, Project Manager Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
10.20 Politecnico di Milano setting:
– Shaping the future together (pdf) Stefano Santoni, Project Manager, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
– Paths to IP valorization at Politecnico di Milano (pdf) Annalisa Balloi, Innovator Promoter Politecnico di Milano, Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
– IP and competitive edge for start-ups that grow from the academic research (pdf) Federica Biancon, General Manager Polihub Innovation District & Startup AcceleratorPolihub Innovation District & Startup accelerator
10.50 Trends at Italian level. Current overview of the IP value in Italian University-Industry collaborations (pdf)
Shiva Loccisano, Board Member of NETVAL – Italian Network of Technology Transfer Offices of Universities and Public Research Organizations
11.20 Future pictures on startups and the role of IP
Gianluca Dettori, President of Primomiglio SGR
11.50 …and youngsters at Politecnico di Milano? …and suddenly university students file a patent application: Elettrotecnica Rold case study (pdf)
Gaetano Cascini, Full Professor at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano
Alessandro Mansutti, Head of Innovation and R-Lab Director, Elettrotecnica Rold S.r.l.Politecnico di Milano, Mechanical Department, Elettrotecnica Rold srl
12.20 IP EXPERIENCE project: an opportunity for university students and more (pdf)
Filippo Silipigni, Project Manager, Fondazione Politecnico di Milano
Beatrice Saglio, Technology Transfer Manager, Politecnico di Milano- TTO
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (in connection via webconference)
13.00 Closing remarks