- European Patent Office – EPO www.epo.org
- European Union Intellectual Property Office- EUipo www.euipo.europa.eu
- The Italian Patent and Trademark Office – Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi, UIBM, https://uibm.mise.gov.it/index.php/it/
- The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office – Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, OEPM www.oepm.es/es
- World Intellectual Property Office – WIPO www.wipo.int
- IPR Helpdesk www.iprhelpdesk.eu/
- Marchi e Disegni comunitari www.marchiedisegni.eu an Italian project promoted by the cooperation between EUIPO and the Italian Patent and Trademark Office and coordinated by Innexta – Consorzio Camerale per il credito e la finanza
Notably projects carried out by the Partners to promote the IP:
- Learn to Protect-L2Pro, free-of-charge mobile e-learning platform for SMEs, high-tech startups ad entrepreneurs to promote IP basics (in Italian);
- youTH intEllectual prOpeRty Education prograM – THEOREM a dissemination project to promote and raise knowledge and awareness on Intellectual Property (IP) in the context of creative industries and high‐tech start‐up, co-founded by the EUipo.